Community QiGong Class
every Thursday 7.00 to 7.45pm
at Garway Village Hall
The ancient art of QiGong guides you through gentle movements which open and stimulate the meridians of the body, creating blood flow and drainage of channels for health, healing, subtleness and strength.
There is no lying down, just standing or sitting in a chair. No special clothes or equipment are needed, just comfy shoes.
QiGong is safe even if you have a health condition; I have worked with people with healthproblems including back/neck pain, balance, headaches, breathing problems, insomnia, depression, Parkinsons disease and stroke… in fact there is no health condition that precludes QiGong.
Come along and give it a try.
My email is below if you have any questions
Caroline Penn (Health Care Practitioner and QiGong Teacher)