What's On

At Garway Village Hall we have an array of regular activities going on. From exercise classes to crafting, heritage talks to film nights, we hope you find something that appeals to you.
Get Fitter with Vikki Scovell
Vikki runs 3 regular classes and you can sign up for a course or pay as you go
​Tuesdays 9.15-10.15am Pilates​
Wednesdays 7-8pm Legs, Bums & Tums Exercise Class
Thursdays 9.15-10.15am Yoga​
Barre Classes with J:Fit
A fusion of ballet & Pilates, focussing on core strength and stability, postural alignment and muscle endurance.
All abilities welcome, no experience necessary
Block-booking or PAYG payment options available
​Mondays 9.15-10.15am Barre Class
Swing Dance Club
Born out of a need to find a decent space to practice away from home without the dog joining in, Scott and me will be playing some slower pace swing music to practice lindy hop swing dancing to. If you'd like to come along for a practice yourselves, or to learn the basics, or just come and see what it's all about, you're more than welcome to join us. No need for a partner.
​Alternate Sundays 6-7pm (starting 6 Oct 2024)
QiGong Session
​​Thursdays 7-7.45pm
The ancient art of QiGong guides you through gentle movements which open and stimulate the meridians of the body, creating blood flow and drainage of channels for health, healing, subtleness and strength.
There is no lying down, just standing or sitting in a chair. No special clothes or equipment are needed, just comfy shoes.
QiGong is safe even if you have a health condition; I have worked with people with healthproblems including back/neck pain, balance, headaches, breathing problems, insomnia, depression, Parkinsons disease and stroke… in fact there is no health condition that precludes QiGong.
Table Tennis Session
All equipment provided, just turn up. 3 tables available and everyone welcome.
​Thursdays 5.30pm
Flicks in the Sticks
Flicks in the Sticks brings a wide range of big screen entertainment to our village hall.
Second Tuesday of each month September to May
Doors open at 7pm
Film Showing at 7.30pm​​​​​
Singing Tree Community Choir
Enjoy the warmth and joy that singing in a choir can bring, a friendly group run by Hilary
Wednesdays at 7.30pm
Talk Community Hub
Our Talk Community Hub provides a safe place where people can access up to date wellbeing information and signposting to local and national resources. Come along and make new friends, have a natter and a cuppa
Tuesdays at 10am (except the first Tuesday of the month)
Garway Baby & Toddler Group
Come along free of charge to our baby and toddler group, tea, coffee and cake is available for a small donation to the hall. Meet other parents and caregivers in a relaxed environment to have a chat and watch the little ones interact with each other.
Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the month
The Spice Girls Coffee Morning
The Garway 'Spice' Girls (Supporting Projects in Community Endeavour) take over the cafe once a month and serve delicious home made cakes and refreshments and there's usually an interesting talk or craft showcased too.
First Tuesday of the month at 10am
Garway Live brings live, first class entertainment, mostly musical, to the hall.
Garway Heritage Group
GHG holds monthly talks (September to April) by invited speakers on a wide range of heritage topics of local interest.
Third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm
Garway Crafters
Garway Crafters
First Monday of the month at 12.30pm​
Garway Story Stitchers
A small group working on personal and community projects
Alternate Wednesdays at 10.30am​ (starting 4 September 2024)
Come along to exchange stories with other adults and gain new skills in self-expression. You can just listen or share your stories too
Second Saturday of each month 2pm
Honesty Library & Second Hand Book Shelf
You can now borrow books from the Herefordshire Libraries collection at Garway Community Centre whenever the building is open – all we ask is you return them when you’ve finished
There is also a second hand book shelf where you can buy books for a small donation
Outreach Post Office
A pop up post office at the hall with a wide range of postal services available​
Tuesdays 10am-12
Treatment Room Consultants
The hall has an intimate and secluded room suitable for 1:1 consultations, tuition or treatments. Here is a list of our current providers:
1:1 Spanish Tuition - Cecibel Egan
Ayurvedic Massage Therapist Bodywork - Alison Mann
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy - Juliet Ablett
Cranial Osteopathy - Caroline Penn
Homeopathy Complementary Therapy - Cecibel Egan
Massage Therapy - Sharon Evans
Therapeutic Bodywork and Craniosacral Therapy - Lisa Wise
Tui Nah Massage Therapy & Acupunture - Eve Lomas
Please click on the name to contact the provider or find out more